Friday, June 29, 2007

How to Take Good Care of Your Lungs

Humans need air, and cannot go more than a few minutes without it. Therefore, we must take good care of our lungs, which is what we use to take in air.


1. Never smoke. Notice how it doesn't say quit smoking, it says never smoke. That means don't start smoking in the first place, and don't even try it.

2. Increase your aerobic capacity. Do some vigorous exercise that really gets you gasping for breath 3-4 times a week.

3. Breathe in through your nose, especially around toxic fumes. The hair in your nose acts as a filter and only lets extremely fine particles through, and keeps the rest and combines it with mucus...

4. Watch what you inhale. There are many things that human lungs were not meant to inhale. Remember to breathe in through your nose when around them, but try to avoid them in the first place. Also, try to take shallow breaths so they don't go deep into your lungs. And after you are done being exposed to them, maybe make yourself cough to force them out. Some bad fumes include:

* Car exhaust and gasoline

* Tobacco smoke and regular smoke

* cleaning supplies

* Paint

* Talcum or baby powder - has tiny crushed rocks that stay in your lungs, use a corn starch based baby powder.

* Fiberglass and broken glass - fiberglass may make tiny cuts in your lungs, broken glass is less fine so it may not be bad at all.


* You will recover after being exposed to some things.

* You can't control everything you breathe in.

Monday, June 25, 2007

How to Eat Healthy for Life

Looking beautiful can only be effectively achieved if you control your diet. You can only control your diet if you know what you are eating. There are many popular diets on the market today. This article will explain how to eat healthy for life and avoid the fad diets.


1. Determine how many calories your body needs to function each day.

This number can vary wildly, depending upon your metabolism and how physically active you are. If you're the kind of person who puts on 10 pounds just smelling a slice of pizza, then your daily caloric intake should stay around 2000 calories for men, and 1500 calories for women. Your body mass also plays a part in this: More calories are suitable for naturally bigger people, and fewer calories for smaller people. If you're the kind of person who can eat anything he or she wants without putting on a pound, or you're physically active, you may want to increase your daily caloric intake to 3000-4000 calories, a little less for women. Also consider that the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you need to function. The bad fats are saturated and trans fat, which you do not need any of in moderation. Someone on a 2000 calorie diet should consume less than 20 grams of saturated fat a day, and trans fat can and should be avoided all together. The good fats are plain fat, which you should eat about 30% of your calories in, and poly and mono saturated fats.

2. Don't fear fatty foods.

You need to consume fat from foods for your body to function correctly. However, it's important to choose the right kinds of fat: Most animal fats and some vegetable oils are high in calories and are high in the kind of fats that raise your LDL cholesterol levels; the bad cholesterol. Contrary to popular belief, eating cholesterol doesn't necessarily raise the amount of cholesterol in your body. If you give your body the right tools, it will flush excess cholesterol from your body. Those tools are monounsaturated fatty acids, which you should try to consume regularly. These are the good fats, and they help lower the bad cholesterol in your body by raising the good cholesterol. Foods that are high in monounsaturated fatty acids are olive oil, nuts, fish oil, and various seed oils. Adding these "good" fats to your weekly diet can lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease. Consider sautéing vegetables in small amounts of olive oil, and grabbing a hand full of mixed nuts for a snack instead of a candy bar. There are also various supplements that contain these good fats that you can take daily.
3. Carbohydrates are important.

You need to eat foods high in carbs since they are your body's main source of energy. The trick is to choose the right carbs. Simple carbs like sugar and processed flour are quickly absorbed by the body's digestive system. This causes a kind of carb overload, and your body releases huge amounts of insulin to combat the overload. Not only is the excess insulin bad on your heart, but it encourages weight gain. Insulin is the main hormone in your body responsible for fat storage. Eat plenty of carbs, but eat carbs that are slowly digested by the body like whole grain flour, hearty vegetables, oats, and unprocessed grains like brown rice. These kinds of food not only contain complex carbs that are slowly digested by the body, but are usually higher in vitamins and other nutrients that are beneficial to the body and they are higher in fiber which keeps your digestive system running smoothly.

4. Eat larger meals early in the day.

Your metabolism slows down towards the end of the evening and is less efficient at digesting foods. That means more of the energy stored in the food will be stored as fat and your body won't absorb as many nutrients from the meal. Many American families tend to have their big meal at dinner time. The problem with this is your day is basically over, and your body's need for energy isn't as great as it is early in the day. This large meal, late in the day, can also make you feel tired, and who wants to feel too tired to have fun now that the workday is over? Try eating a medium-sized meal for breakfast, a large meal for lunch, and a small meal for dinner. Better yet, try eating 4-6 small meals over the course of your day. That keeps your body fueled for the whole day without dumping a large amount of food into your stomach, which your body might have a hard time digesting.

5. Don't skip breakfast!

Many people do because they don't feel they need to eat breakfast, or they just don't feel hungry first thing in the morning. Research shows that people who skip breakfast are usually fatter than those who eat a well balanced breakfast. Although you might not feel hungry first thing in the morning, if you skip breakfast you will feel extra hungry come lunch time, making you more prone to overeating for your afternoon meal. In addition, skipping breakfast makes your body think that you are starving. After all, by lunch time, you may not have eaten in almost eighteen hours. For the rest of the day after you skip breakfast, your body will store up most of the energy you get from food, instead of allowing you to burn it, in anticipation of food scarcity. Not only will this cause you to be tired during the day when your body isn't using the food that you ate, but the extra energy stored up will result in weight gain.

6. Make eating fun.

Avoiding simple carbs and fatty foods doesn't need to be boring. Have fun not only with the food, but with the meal. Eating with family and friends makes the meal more satisfying than eating in front of the TV or in the car on the way home from work. You will also eat slower when enjoying your meal which gives your body time to feel full before you burst a button. There are more creative cooking resources available to us than ever before. You can find great tasting recipes in magazines, books, and right here on the Internet. Eating baked fish three or four times a week can get boring, so do a little recipe hunting to find more exciting ways to prepare your meals.

7. Buy non-fat or reduced fat foods.

This is done not to avoid getting fat, because eating fat will not make you fat. And it's not about eating less Calories. It's about control. Control over what kinds of fats you put in your body. For instance, olive oil has many health benefits, so buy non-fat or reduced fat salad dressing and add a table spoon of olive oil to the jar. You'll have a salad dressing that tastes great, and is also better for your health. So buy the non-fat foods so you can replace the missing fat with "good" fats. Remember, you do need to eat a moderate amount of fat each day.

8. Give yourself a cheat day.

Cheating doesn't mean pigging all day on all the wrong foods once a week, it means enjoying a food you really love once a week. Have a couple slices of greasy pizza on Sundays, or a big slice of double chocolate cake on Saturdays. This cheat day will help you stick to the change in diet, and in some ways it's actually good for your body. Special occasions, such as birthdays in the family, count as cheat days.

9. Avoid excess amounts of alcohol.

You know that heavy drinking is bad for your body, but it's also bad for your will power. A heavy night of drinking could send you to the fridge pigging out on all the wrong foods. However, many studies show that a beer or glass of wine a day is actually good for the body. Wine contains anti-oxidants which help fight illness and that moderate amount of alcohol can help you relax. Excess caffeine can also be bad for the body since caffeine stimulates your body into producing insulin in the same way that carbs do.


* Eating healthy will give you some health benefits, but you won't achieve the full benefits possible unless you exercise. Exercising doesn't have to be hard, and you don't even have to break a sweat. Just going for a short 30 minute walk four times a week will greatly improve your health.

* If you consume more Calories than your body needs each day, your body will store the excess energy as fat. In today's society, that excess body fat is unnecessary. We are no longer hunter/gatherers. Your next meal is as close as your local grocery store and we don't need extra energy stores to hold us over till the next meal.

* Use extra virgin olive oil when cooking. It's more pure, and is better for your heart than other kinds of olive oil. The darker the better. Furthermore, "light" olive oil has as many Calories as extra virgin olive oil -- the "light" refers to the color and flavor intensity. Unfortunately, though, using extra virgin olive oil when cooking at higher temperatures ruins the flavors that make it "extra virgin".
* This takes patience. You won't see a drastic drop in your cholesterol level or weight or increase in your energy level immediately. You need to give the changes in diet some time to kick in.

* Have a positive and upbeat attitude. If you start your new diet thinking "This is something I have to do," instead of "This is something I want to do," then you've already failed before you started.

* Don't let a little cheating turn into a lot of cheating. Remember, nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels.

* Adding whole, unrefined grains to the diet can add valuable vitamins and minerals that would otherwise be lost, however it can completely upset our digestion as well. Many animals that eat grains have 4 stomachs they use to digest them adequately, and ferment them so they can uptake nutrients. Humans have only one stomach, and if you introduce grains without first fermenting or sprouting them you may experience digestive upsets. There are various anti nutrients in grains (like phytic acid) and enzyme inhibitors that will prevent mineral absorption and lead to deficiencies and digestive problems. To remedy this, take oatmeal and soak it the night before in a little bit of yogurt. This will make it taste slightly sour, but make it more digestible. Sourdough bread is also another good example.

* Lettuce is a great choice of natural fiber, and can taste great with the proper healthy dressings. You can make a great salad with nuts, raisins, and whole wheat croutons. Mix it in a bowl so it's evenly distributed and place it on top of a salad. Use a sugar free and low carb balsamic dressing; it has less than 1 gram of carbohydrates and 0 Calories. The head of lettuce is 21 Calories, plus the nuts and raisins and whole wheat croutons which could range depending on size but for this example we will estimate 100 Calories, bringing you a very low calorie and filling meal for only ~120 Calories.

* Choose wheat bread instead of white bread. Processed carbohydrates such as those found in white bread are harder to draw nutrients from, and therefore are seen as empty Calories.

* Smoothies are great for breakfast. Combine the following:
o banana
o 4 medium-size strawberries
o 1/2 cup of skim milk

* For protein, try adding boneless skinless chicken breasts, or tuna.

* Non-fat yogurt can make a great snack, and its healthy bacteria can help with various stomach problems.

* Carry water with you at all times. Try to drink water in place of soft drinks and other flavored beverages. A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces per day.

* Consider eating organic. Organic food isn't made with the use of a lot of harmful chemicals, or other harmful processes. Not only is organic food good for you, but it is sustainable and good for the environment too! Other foods can be extremely harmful to the environment.


* Rarely have organic foods been proven to be more healthy than the regular option, so don't think that just because it is organic, you can eat as much as you want. There have been no proven studies that the non-organic foods are unhealthy because of chemicals. Much of the time, the organic option has just as many calories as the normal option. So even if it is organic, make sure you pay attention to your caloric intake.

* You should always consult your doctor before making drastic changes to your diet and your lifestyle.

* Excess body fat is hard on your body. It's hard on your heart because it needs to work extra hard to push blood through your larger body. Your body builds extra veins that run through the extra body fat and has to work harder to push blood through those veins.

* Excess body weight is also hard on your muscles and joints. Carrying around extra weight puts more pressure on your knees, hips, and back. While this might not have a huge effect in your youth, you will feel it as you get older.

* Any drastic change in your diet can cause constipation, so make sure you eat a lot of dark green leafy vegetables, or take a fiber supplement. The constipation will go away after a week or two, but you should consult your doctor if it continues.

* Make sure there isn't a lot of unhealthy food in your house that can tempt you. Give or throw away the foods you shouldn't eat.

Friday, June 22, 2007

How to Breathe Like a Yoga Master

You don't have to vacation in the Himalayas to learn to breathe like a Buddha. From the Pranayama tradition of yoga comes the "Complete Breath," which is a relaxing way to beat stress and improve your state of mind.


1. Lie flat while you are down on your back on the floor, a comfortable mat, or a firm mattress.

2. Place your hands on your abdomen an inch or two apart just below the navel, with your fingertips facing inward and your palms down.

3. Inhale through the nose and begin expanding the abdomen.

4. Continue inhaling. When the abdomen rises slightly, begin allowing the chest to expand and the abdomen to fall.

5. When the chest rises slightly, begin exhaling. Allow the abdomen to continue to fall.

6. Continue exhaling. As the chest empties, allow the abdomen to begin to rise again.

7. Repeat without pausing.


* It can be tricky to get the hang of this at first, but it helps to imagine the breathing cycle as a circle. During each cycle, the chest and abdomen rise and fall in a smooth, uninterrupted manner.

* Each inhalation/exhalation cycle should require several seconds to complete. Use a pace that is comfortable for you, but the deeper and slower you are able to breathe, the better.


* If you begin to feel light-headed or experience other unusual phenomena, do not continue the exercise.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Treatment for Oily Skin with Tomatoes

Its summer and a very bad news for those who have Oily skin. But here I am going to tell you a method thats going to help you get rid of Chip Chip and Acne.
This routine will help make your oily skin feel cleaner and tighter. It will also reduce open pores and blackheads, all with the help of tomatoes!


Cut a tomato in half with a knife, better sharp.

Rub the tomato halves on your skin briefly.

Leave the juice on for at least fifteen minutes. Let the skin soak in the juice, so that it saturates into the skin pores.

Wash your skin with warm water, then wash with cool water. This closes skin pores and helps keep bacteria from spreading.

Pat your skin dry with a towel.


Tomatoes are acidic and contain potassium and Vitamin C. That's why tomatoes are excellent for oily skin!

Always pat your face dry with a towel. Rubbing can spread bacteria, causing pimples. It also increases the chance of more wrinkles.


Don't try this if you are allergic to tomatoes!

Things You'll Need

A tomato




Water (warm and cold)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

How to Stay Safe in the Sun

Its now summer. We all know summer is hot but to make it cool we do some outdoor activities and therefore we expose our skin to SUN. Excessive sun exposure can cause sunburn, skin damage, skin cancer (the most common form of cancer), cataracts, and heat stroke. Take the right precautions to avoid these hazards and enjoy the sun safely.


1. Select an appropriate sunscreen.

2. Check your sunscreen's SPF. SPF, or "sun protection factor", is one of the most important things to check. This number describes how effective the sunscreen is. Look for at least SPF 30.

* Keep in mind that SPF is not cumulative. Applying one SPF 15 sunscreen and another SPF 20 sunscreen may give you slightly better coverage, but it does not add up to SPF 35.

3. Look for both UVA and UVB coverage. This means that the sunscreen will block both kinds of damaging ultraviolet light.

4. Look for a PABA-free sunscreen. Para-aminobenzoic acid, or PABA, was used in sunscreens for a long time, but it can stain clothing and cause an allergic reaction in some people.

5. Waterproof? Choose a water-resistant sunscreen, if you will be swimming or sweating. No sunscreen is truly waterproof, so you should reapply the sunscreen frequently, according to package instructions.

6. Choose a sunscreen that suits you. Some daily sunscreens aren't as gooey or smelly as some of the heavy-duty outdoor sport formulations. Some sunscreens come in spray-on, roll-on, and stick formats. Some sunscreens come with built-in insect repellent. Some even temporarily turn your skin a different color! If you dislike wearing it so much that you don't, it will do you no good. Wearing sunscreen need not be unpleasant, so smell and try different sunscreen brands and styles to find the one(s) that are best suited for you.

* The word "sunblock" is a misnomer. Sunscreen slows the effects of the sun on skin by absorbing, reflecting, and scattering UV rays, but it doesn't stop them.

7. Apply plenty of sunscreen. Apply the sunscreen generously. If you're using a cream, the amount of sunscreen you should use is about the size of a regular golf-ball, or 1 oz.

8. Start ahead of time. Ideally, begin applying sunscreen at least a half hour before you go out.

* It takes approximately 20 minutes for sunscreen to become effective after it has been applied.

9. Use more than you think you need. Most people do not use enough sunscreen, stopping at somewhere between one fourth and one half the quantity applied to test sunscreens.

10. Don't just grease it on. Put a little on and rub it in. Then do it again and again, until you have a deep, penetrating layer of sunscreen. Do it right and you won't notice it at all and it will truly protect.

11. Don't miss a spot! Be thorough. Put it on the most vulnerable areas: the entire face and forehead, especially the nose and tips of ears, back of the neck, backs of knees, and arms. Make sure to cover all skin that will be exposed. Don't forget the tops of feet, if you're wearing sandals. Have a friend help with hard-to-reach spots like backs and shoulders.

12. Keep your sunscreen relatively fresh. Expired sunscreen may not be as effective as recently-purchased sunscreen, but in general, any sunscreen is better than no sunscreen. If there's no expiration date, try it and see if it still works, or replace anything older than about three years.

13. A wide-brimmed hat. Cover up. Light layers of clothing work best, in light colors which reflect heat, rather than dark ones, which absorb it. Try a shell or tank top, and then wear a light camp shirt open over that. Natural fibers like cotton are coolest.

14. Wear the right hat. Choose a hat with at least a 3-inch (8 cm) brim all around. A hat will also help to keep you cool. Baseball caps leave the ears and neck exposed, so they're not the best choice for sun protection. A hat will also help to protect your eyes from glare.

15. Wear light-colored, loose fitting clothing. It will keep you cooler and help prevent sunburn by reflecting the sunlight. Be aware, though, that clothing may not block sunlight completely. In fact, an ordinary t-shirt may only be the equivalent of SPF 5. Look for clothing designed to block sun, even up to SPF 50, if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

16. They do more than look cool. Wear sunglasses. Choose sunglasses that block UV light and wrap around to block light from the side, too. If you're not sure whether your old sunglasses adequately block UV, ask an optometrist to have them checked. Long term exposure to UV light can lead to cataracts. Wear sunglasses in conjunction with a hat.

17. Drink plenty of water. Stay hydrated. Water is the best choice. If you'll be exercising heavily, a sports drink can help to replace electrolytes. Drink in proportion to how much you perspire, but remember that too much too quickly can harm you. It's best to take frequent, moderate portions. Too much sugar, as in soda, can undermine the benefits of the liquid, and alcohol can dehydrate you outright.

18. Relax in the shade. Stay out of the sun. Especially between 10am and 4pm, stay out of the sun as much as possible. Finding a spot in the shade, carrying an umbrella or parasol, and scheduling outdoor activities to avoid those hours can help to minimize exposure.

19. A one-armed "trucker's tan". Limit your total time in the sun. Roll up car windows and run the air conditioning rather than dangling your arm out the window. Glass blocks UV light reasonably well.

20. Keep cool. If you have heavy physical activity to perform outside, try to do it in the morning or evening, not the heat of midday. Choose a shady spot to sit. Sip a cool drink. Take a swim.


* Use the 5-S mnemonic to remember sun safety:

1. Slop on some sunscreen (at least SPF 30).

2. Slurp up some water.

3. Slip on a shirt—you can buy SPF 50 shirts and clothing now.

4. Slap on a sun hat—with at least a 3" brim all the way around, not a baseball hat.

5. Step into the shade.

* Use these tips in combination. That is, put on sunscreen, SPF-protective clothing, and a hat. Stay in the shade during the worst parts of the day.

* Remember that children need to be educated, not just greased up! Teach them why skin cancer is far and away the most common cancer, how sun damage causes it, and how to protect themselves.

* Keep sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat available. Leave them in your bag or vehicle so that they'll be there when you need them.

* Don't forget your lips, they can get burned too. Slather on a lip balm with SPF 15+.

* A T-shirt isn't always effective: the SPF of a plain White T-shirt can be as low as 4!

* Some fabric dyes are commercially available to raise the SPF of fabrics to as much as 30. Shop around if you spend a lot of time in the sun.


* Sunscreen is not a complete solution by itself, nor a license to spend unlimited time outdoors.

* It's possible to get sunburned on a cloudy day, and it's possible that the clouds will clear up during the day. Take and use sun protection even if it's cool and cloudy when you leave.

* It is possible to get burned through clothing. Clothing typically has between a 3-10 SPF. Wet clothing has even less. To be safe, apply sunscreen underneath clothing. However reapplying under clothing or under bathing suits can be cumbersome; therefore, an easier alternative might be washing clothes with a product that offers protection to clothes, such as Rit Sun Guard, which can provide an UPF (Ultra-Violet Protection) of 30 to clothes and lasts for 20 washes.

* If possible, you should purchase a sunscreen that is paraben-free. Parabens have been linked to breast cancer.

Stay Safe..... Live Well.....

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Make Your Own Beauty Products

Did you know that grapes can soothe and cleanse your skin? That bananas soften and smooth your skin and honey cleanses, tones and hydrates? Well, these natural products can do just these things, and for a fraction of the cost of purchased cosmetics! You can use these and other ingredients to create your own beauty products. Allow all facials and moisturizers to sit 10-15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.


1. Make a perfect facial scrub from grapes. Mash a handful of grapes. Strain them to separate the pulp from the juice. Remove the skins and mash the pulp and juice with 1 tablespoon of almond flour.

2. Make a facial mask with honey and bananas. Make sure the bananas are not overripe. Mash 1 banana with 3 tbs. honey.

3. For a skin softening bath, add 1/4 cup honey to the water.

4. Apples and pears are mild astringents. Make a quick mask by grating a large apple or pear and mixing it with 1 tbs. of honey.

5.Use aloe-vera gel as an astringent for oily skin. Aloe vera gel is also great for thickening hair. Massage it into your scalp then leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing. Mix it with glitter for sparkley, softening body gel.

6. Add a tsp. of baking soda to your shampoo. It helps remove hair-product buildup. Baking soda can also loosen blackheads. Combine equal parts soda and water and rub the mixture into your skin, let sit until dry, then rinse.

7. Mix 1 tbs. sugar with a few drops of olive oil for a sweet facial exfoliant. This can be mixed in larger quantities for full body exfoliation.


* Try adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil to some of the above products.

* Mix and match some of the above ingredients to create your own natural beauty products.

* Search online for more natural beauty recipes and tips.


* If you are allergic to bee pollen, you may be allergic to honey. Do not use any of the above containing honey if you are at risk for allergic reaction.

* Never use any of the above products if they contain an ingredient you are allergic to.

* Always read the instructions for use of essential oils very carefully as some may react with others and most should be used in very specific quantities only. Test for allergic reactions first (or ask the pharmacist for more information) and if pregnant, a child or immuno-suppressed, only use oils with a physician's agreement.

How to Have Beautiful Skin

Everyone wants to have smooth and beautiful skin. You can achieve this by gathering the following ingredients,and following the simple steps below. Its simple and takes little time.


For a body soak:

* 2 cups of lemon juice

* 2 tbsp. of cinnamon (to add an aroma)

* 2-4 tbsp. of olive oil

* 1/2 cup of milk

* Water (any amount)

For a foot soak:

* 1 cup of lemon juice

* 1 tbsp. of cinnamon (to add an aroma)

* 1-2 tbsp. of olive oil

* 1/4 cup of milk

* 1 foot file

* Water (any amount)


1. Prepare for your body soaking. Mix together the lemon juice, cinnamon, olive oil and milk.

2. Pour the ingredients into a bathtub.

3. Mix everything well with bath water.

4. Relax and enjoy the aroma while obtaining smooth and beautiful skin.

5. Prepare for your foot soaking. Mix all together: the lemon Juice, cinnamon, olive oil and milk.

6. Pour the ingredients into a tub large enough to fit your feet into.

7. Combine everything with warm water - the amount doesn't matter.

8. Soak your feet for 15 minutes.

9. Gently use the foot file to eliminate any dry or dead skin.

10. Soak again for 10 more minutes.

11. Relax and enjoy the aroma while obtaining fresh feet.

12. Remove your feet from the tub and pat dry.


* If you do not like the smell of cinnamon, you can replace it with another spice, perfume, or flower petals such as roses.

* Soaking and filing can be repeated as necessary.

* After a few weeks of doing this, your skin will be silky smooth.

* These recipes leaves skin refreshed and fragrant.

* Another thing you can do to keep your skin looking young and beautiful is to limit your skins exposure to sunlight. The Ultra Violet Radiation contained in sunlight can leave your skin dry, flaky and in some case cause a form of cancer called Melanoma.


* Do not use these recipes if you are allergic to lemon, cinnamon, olive oil or milk!

How to Be a Beauty Queen

This will tell you how to look good in any old outfit .If you have boring old clothes, don't throw them away. Read this and then customize them.


1. Take a look at some recent celebrity magazines and look at what they are wearing. Single out a few styles you like and experiment. Make sure you choose a style that will suit you. For example, if you are a girly blonde who won't get her hair dyed I wouldn't recommend going for a Kelly Osbourne look.

2. Make sure you can afford it or can find a way to customise old bags,tee-shirts and denim miniskirts to suit your new and improved style.

3. Go out and just buy one outfit. For example, if you are turning hippy just get one miniskirt and top maybe a hair clip or band. See if you are 100% sure you like it and that it's really YOU. If you are sure you like it that will take us on to the next step.

4. GO SHOPPING! Look at your OLD wardrobe and take some of the stuff you reuse in your new style or change it a little. When you have done that, it's time to raid your piggy bank 'cause it's time for real shop 'till you drop time. Buy as many outfits as possible and then get started on the extras (bangles, necklaces, hair clips, alice bands etc.).

5. Take a trip to the hair dressers and get some cool new hair style to get you noticed.

6. Put on some make-up and a stylish new outfit and walk the streets proud and loud!

7. Strut your stuff sister!


* Learn how to sew if you can't already 'cos it will be useful for sewing stuff onto jeans ,bags ,tops etc .Beads and old pieces of material can make old jeans and bags look brand new!

* Be confident.If you are a little overweight try and lose a few pounds it will really make the difference!

* The denim miniskirt will always make you look nice.


* Don't over do it (except the mini).

* Don't use too much make up.

* Don't put on too much bling on (no 7 rings on one hand)

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